ive come to the chapter talking about operator overloading. ive gone through some examples showing a class that adds distances together and a class that adds strings (concatenates the strings together). however, the distance class has the operator function outside the class and the string class has the operator inside the class. does it really matter? i cant figure out the difference and when to use either one. can someone explain?
both classes:
/////////////////////////////////CLASS DISTANCE////////////
class Distance		//english Distance class

	int feet;
	float inches;

	Distance() : feet(0), inches (0.0)
	{	}

	Distance(int ft,float in)	:	feet(ft),inches(in)
	{	}

	void getdist()	//get length from user
		cout << "enter feet:  ";	cin >> feet;
		cout << "enter inches:  ";	cin >> inches;

	void showdist()	//display distance
	{	cout << feet << " feet " << inches << " inches" << endl; }
	Distance operator + (Distance) const;	//add 2 distances


Distance Distance::operator + (Distance d2) const	//return sum
	int f = feet + d2.inches;	//add the feet
	float i = inches + d2.inches;	//add the inches
	if(i >= 12.0)
		i -= 12.0;
	return Distance(f,i);
/////////////////////////////CLASS STRING////////////////////////////////
class String
		enum {SZ = 80};		//size of string object
		char str[SZ];		//holds a string
		{ strcpy(str,""); }
		String(char s[])
		{ strcpy(str,s); }
		void display() const
			cout << str;
		String operator + (String ss) const	//add string
			String temp;
			if(strlen(str) + strlen(ss.str) < 20)
				strcpy(temp.str,str);	//copy this string to temp
				strcat(temp.str,ss.str);	//add at end of string
			{ cout << "\nString overflow"; exit(1); }
			return temp;		//return temp string